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How Will the Internet Influence Our Future? Theories on Society, Security, and Future Technology

Internet future

As we would assume, we aren’t that far removed from a world full of smart houses with voice-controlled household appliances. We live in a society where the adoption of new technology happens in a whirlwind-where satisfaction obtained from one technology is short-lived. We are continuously demanding more significant degrees of ease.


Today’s youth is getting increasingly fascinated with the concept of “do-it-for-me.” People queue up at stores hours before the doors open to acquire the latest cellphones on release dates, merely to be considered a part of the select few early adopters-to be the first to own-trying to brand themselves as trendsetters. Technology sets the stage for what is deemed fashionable. Our fascination for what’s next is just unquenchable-it propels the ever-accelerating push of industrial innovation.

But one thing people constantly seem to overlook is security. People have been conditioned to assume that new technology implies reduced vulnerabilities, faults, and flaws, but it is the other way around. The media guarantees that the new and improved fixes the weaknesses of the prior edition. They boast quicker speeds, sleeker aesthetics, and performance upgrades, and although, on the surface, all this may be true, a lot of these new features have gone untested. For technology to be innovative, something must be added to whatever the prior standard was. Added complexity typically equals more faults, untapped weaknesses, and unknown loopholes, and this is what fraudsters live to find and exploit. Unfortunately, this “gadget rush” of a society we live in is full of individuals who race for the shiny commodities, letting their passion overwhelm the requirement of considering the consequences.

The internet has introduced tremendous quantities of possibilities to futuristic technologies. Virtually anything may be linked to a network. Imagine entering into a home network from your tablet device and connecting to your refrigerator, for instance, to peek inside and write a list for food shopping on the way home from work. Imagine being able to prepare your oven from your phone minutes before you reach home to streamline dinner preparations. Someday, our phones may soon be internet providers, remotely controlling everything connected to them within our houses, and people will adore that. They would jump at anything so creative without even raising an eyebrow about the safety of these new possibilities. We presume they are safe because the items are unique and perform such wonderful new things that never fail to astonish. Again, we feel someone else, and not ourselves, is accountable for our security. Cybercrime is so farfetched to us. If we’re talking about a new automobile or house, then the notion of crime and safety registers, since these are things, we’ve seen criminals breach and take. But when we’re talking about a computer or a smartphone, criminality doesn’t immediately spring to mind. The crime of this realm is of a sort we cannot see or connect with. We don’t instantly conceive these items as capable of being hacked and controlled by somebody other than ourselves. We underestimate the threats of the internet since we assume hackers are such a minute collection of persons. We think they belong in some Sci-Fi TV series and not the actual world.

Shortly, more of the items we rely upon will be connected to the internet, such as voice-operated household appliances. And much like our computers, these gadgets will provide new regions that cyber crooks may roam. The more we coordinate so much of our lives with the digital domain, the more uncertainty we bring into them. Imagine having your entire house and its operability entirely shut down at the hands of an unknown hacker-everything from your air conditioner, the faucet, the dishwasher, and even your garage door under the control of someone you don’t know, and to get it restored; they command a ransom. Think about how this sort of technology redefines what we think of as “home.” Suppose cyber thieves can already remotely manipulate our computers and steal our information. In that case, the future hackers will be able to go further into our houses and trespass upon the bounds of our privacy, even incurring more significant financial losses for us. As a generation so concerned with the acceleration of technology, perhaps we should stop and ask, “Will we be able to survive without it if anything goes catastrophically wrong?” Will we be able to fall back or revert to a less complex but safer form of technology?

New technology is fantastic. Everyone loves to experience a new degree of convenience. Tech enthusiasts are intrigued by new features and specs that continuously expand the limits of what our gadgets are capable of. Future technology will continue to be adopted and integrated into our everyday lives, producing new living standards with each pioneering breakthrough. But it’s always vital for us to realize that there are good men and evil when it comes to harnessing technology. As one side generates new, wiser technology for the greater good, the purposes of the other half get cleverer as they misappropriate these new devices to identify additional flaws to exploit. Be careful when employing technology, and know where you store your information. Always register goods and download security updates routinely. Never hesitate to pay notice to the security of any technical equipment you choose to embrace in the future since somewhere, someone is undoubtedly going to be trying to steal.


Fortunately, some IT firms are devoted to supplying IT security for future technologies, which sometimes, it simply needs investment in primary, automated software or hardware solutions to prevent work stoppage due to cyber-attacks. These firms are devoted to offering the most economical choices suited precisely for each area of IT security.

Jessie Wade

Computing the Future

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